Spray Nozzles | Download Portal Site of 3D and 2D CAD Models | PARTcommunity
IKEUCHI is continuously posting 3D and 2D CAD models of its spray nozzle products for industrial use on PARTcommunity, the download portal for designers, in Japanese, English and Chinese.
On this portal, a user can preview CAD models at any time only with a browser on a PC or a smartphone without using a specific CAD software. They are then easily downloaded at no cost by choosing the working format suited for the user’s own software environment from the 150+ formats available.
Provides a User with More Detailed View of Products
The user can get detailed views of a product more than a catalog alone by zooming and rotating its model on a browser just like actually picking up and looking into a real product.
Not only 3D CAD models, 2D CAD drawings can be also downloaded.
Several Similar Products Displayed on One Screen
In addition, each drawing and size of several similar products that can be displayed on one screen help an easier comparison with each other and selection of a product.
IKEUCHI was addressing each request for CAD models individually, but postings the models on PARTcommunity enables an on-demand download and a more quick and easy check of a CAD drawing. Just like before, there is no charge for this service.
Mobile Responsive Design
The site is also mobile responsive so that a user can easily access a drawing in a place or a worksite where a PC is not available.
IKEUCHI will continuously add its CAD models to the library to make it more convenient for customers who wish to research its wide variety of products.
URL: https://ikeuchi.partcommunity.com/3d-cad-models/?languageIso=en