
Cleaner-foam Spray Nozzle Unit AWA Cart

Spray capacity 1.9–2.1 L/min (*1) Mean droplet diameter - Power consumption -
Water pressure - Air pressure 0.3 MPa Air consumption 20–66 L/min, Normal


• A spray unit capable of converting cleaning agents into foam sprays.
• The AWA Cart can produce three types of foam: high density, medium density, and low density foam.
• Low-pressure foaming makes for less splattering.
• Compact unit design with low center of gravity provides high installation stability.
• Designed in a mobile cart format.

*1) Spray capacity shown is an approximate value.
Actual spray capacity may vary slightly, so please use the value shown as a guideline only.


• Foam cleaning for food plants, hospitals, barns, etc.

Industries in which this product is used

Food products, Agriculture, Livestock, Automotive manufacturing, Medicine, Welfare

Product specifications


11.6 kg (empty tank)

Outer dimensions


1 Sprayer gun (*2) 
2 Nozzle tip
3 Hose ring
4 Hose (10 m)
5 Base
6 Caster
9 Pressure gauge (1.0 MPa)
14 Pressure tank (18 L) 
18 Fluid level gauge

*2) Stainless-steel sprayer gun and sprayer gun with highly-alkaline-fluid-resistant components (parts that come in contact with liquids) are available upon request. Contact us for details.



Air pressure (MPa) Throttle valve (*3) Needle valve (*3) Spray capacity (L/min) Air consumption (L/min, Normal)
0.3 Half turn Half turn 2.1 20
1 turn 2.0 28
4 turns 1.9 66

Note: spray capacities shown are for spraying when water is used. Actual capacities will vary depending on factors such as cleaning agent type and concentration.
*3) Number of rotations carried out from a fully closed-valve state.

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